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BLOG — Industry News

5 of the Best Street Art Murals in Austin

5 of the Best Street Art Murals in Austin

Austin is a vibrant and lively Texas city, known mostly for its great music scene, dynamic nightlife, and delicious food. It is also growing as an art center, with museums and art galleries all over the city. But some of the most amazing art in Austin can be found outside. The street art in Austin is interesting and colorful. It has become a major tourist draw for Austin, especially the incredible murals throughout the city. If you’re headed to Austin looking for great public art, keep reading to learn about five of the best street art murals in Austin!

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Color: A Valuable Element of Art

Austin Art Shows

Austin Art Shows - When the elements of art are discussed, most people’s first thought is of color. This is because color plays an important role in our lives; it helps us convey information, influence or create certain moods, and affect our choices and decisions. In art, color is often considered before other artistic elements because it impacts aesthetics so directly and immediately.

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What is Drawing?

What is Drawing?

Drawing is a form of visual art in which an artist uses instruments or tools to make marks on a surface. In fine art, drawing refers to “the linear realization of visual objects, concepts, emotions, and fantasies, including symbols and even abstract forms.” It is a graphic art, characterized by the central use of form or shape, lines, and sometimes patterns.

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A Few Words about Paintbrush Bristles

A Few Words about Paintbrush Bristles

Paintbrushes have three main parts: the brush handle, the ferrule, and the bristles or filaments. The handle has a metal band attached to it; this is the ferrule. The ferrule is crimped and glued to the handle and the bristles or filaments to keep them bonded. The brush head is the tuft of natural bristles or synthetic filaments that holds the paint and is the most essential part of any paintbrush.

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