Support Artists
The more you can help, the more we can help.
Homelessness is a complicated issue that requires multiple efforts. AFTS seeks to address the effects of homelessness through daily practice in a learning environment, with support from positive role models, to help foster new, positive, and creative habits.
Create An Art Kit

Art Kits will be distributed to community partners and artists in our program.
Create a kit for your birthday, book club, church groups, scouts, NHS, sororities, any organization that you belong to and are looking for a way to give back.
Supplies you can provide in each kit- but not limited to:
1 Sharpie pen (color or black)
1 pad of paper (fit in the waterproof bag)
1 set of water color paints
2 professional paint brushes (no child's paint kit brushes)
Waterproof bag
Inspirational uplifting note
Watercolor pencils (2-3)
Colored pencils (2-3)
Small container to hold water
Contact learnmore@artfromthestreets.