Donating to AFTS helps us offer free Open Studio for persons experiencing homelessness. Click here to DONATE TODAY!


Film About Immigrant Emergency Homeless Shelter Premieres At SXSW

Film About Immigrant Emergency Homeless Shelter Premieres At SXSW

Recently at the SXSW festival, a film that documents East Austin's first and only emergency homeless shelter for both immigrants and those seeking asylum, regardless of whether they're documented or undocumented, made its official debut.


The film, which is titled “They Live Here, Now,” made its debut this past Sunday afternoon at the Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar, with additional screenings to follow later on this coming week.


“They Live Here, Now” tells the story of a teenage girl from Mexico whose brother was tragically murdered by members of a gang. After making her way to the United States, she finds herself at Casa Marianella, the aforementioned emergency homeless shelter. Through this, the audience is able to meet the real-life occupants of the shelter, as well as see what typically goes on in their daily lives.


Thanks to the film, the audience will be able to see exactly how the shelter's residents do many things, such as assist one another with daily tasks, building up a fellowship with each other, and even take classes to learn English. Refugees from locations such as Somalia and Iraq are featured, and all share their own unique stories of forgiveness, acceptance, and having the chance to start a brand new life in the United States.


Casa Marianella has been in operation since 1986 and has seen many individuals pass through it, such as Salvadoran war survivors and many different immigrants and refugees from approximately 40 countries. Additionally, the shelter also offers various resources of both legal and medical natures, and back in 2003, the shelter opened a separate branch known as Posada Esperanza, which is exclusively for both women and children. Currently, Casa Marianella operates 13 different homes which serve more than 300 people on an annual basis.


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

What Types Of Housing Assistance Are Offered To Homeless Population?

What Types Of Housing Assistance Are Offered To Homeless Population?

Individuals who live in the city of Austin and are currently homeless have all sorts of housing assistance options available to them, despite what they may have thought or heard previously. Many resources in the area are designed to help both families and individuals suffering from homelessness receive housing that is both long-term and sustainable for as long as possible.


Here are some of the types of housing assistance that are currently available for Austin's homeless population.


*Regardless of what an applicant has gone through in their personal life (drug use, alcohol issues, etc.), anyone who submits an application for housing assistance while homeless will be accepted.


*If an applicant has a poor financial or credit history, criminal conviction, poor absent rental history, etc., this does not mean that their application for assistance will be rejected.


*There are discretionary funds available to assist clients who either have no income or who are suffering from some type of financial difficulty. Additionally, they are provided with a reasonable amount of flexibility in terms of paying their share of the rent.


*Supportive services, such as those offering assistance with both problem-solving and engagement, are offered; however, a client does not have to participate in these types of services if they do not wish to.


*No tenant will be evicted if they use either alcohol or drugs by themselves, provided they do not have any other type of lease violation.


*Tenant selection is based on factors such as how long they have been homeless for, how vulnerable they are, etc.


*Housing units may come equipped with features that help to reduce harm, promote good health, and accommodate various types of disabilities.


*If a tenant needs to be transferred to another housing unit from the one they are currently living in due to their current living situation being jeopardized for any reason, all efforts will be made to ensure that this is done.


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

Leslie Cochran Statue Still Requires Funding

Leslie Cochran Statue Still Requires Funding

A statue of Leslie Cochran, a homeless Austin resident who's most well-known for his crossdressing and passed away in 2012, is closer to becoming a reality in the city of Austin.


Over the years, Cochran frequented the area of Sixth Street and Congress Avenue, where he would often be seen pushing a large cart filled with not only all of his belongings, but also adorned with many different slogans and signs that were made by him.


A local filmmaker was inspired by Cochran so much that he decided to make a film detailing his life. Additionally, he is also working to raise funds to have the aforementioned statue, which will involve Cochran sitting on a bench, erected in downtown Austin. Currently, the plans are to have the statue sit at the corner of Congress Avenue and Sixth Street, where it will be in front of an area Starbucks store.


A local artist has designed the statue, with the model of it recently being relocated so that a final fitting can take place for the statue and bench prior to any kind of a mold being cast. When the time comes, the mold itself will be used to cast the statue itself in bronze.


An additional $300,000 is needed in order to finish both the statue and the film about Cochran's life. Anyone who wishes to contribute can do so by visiting a fundraising webpage that has been established. Additionally, the “Remembering Leslie Cochran” Facebook page also contains more information regarding the project.


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

Give Art a Home Fundraiser - Save the Date!

Give Art a Home Fundraiser - Save the Date!

Excited to announce the Give Art A Home AFTS Fundraiser!
SAVE THE DATE ~ April 26th

We want YOU to sponsor AFTS! 
Go Online to our website to the drop down menu "Events" OR Print out form and mail in below!
THANKS for your support and can't wait to see you for a fun evening with drinks, eats, art and giving back!
We are looking forward to an amazing evening raising money for AFTS!
If you or your business would like to sponsor Give Art A Home please reach out to for sponsorship information.  
THANK YOU for your support!
Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!