Donating to AFTS helps us offer free Open Studio for persons experiencing homelessness. Click here to DONATE TODAY!


How Art Can Help Both Your Body And Mind

How Art Can Help Both Your Body And Mind

The relationship between the body and brain in terms of art really makes going to the local museum absolutely worthwhile. Art is something that has definitely helped to shape the society that we live in today, as we have constructed all sorts of galleries that house some of the finest pieces created by the best talent in the entire world; however, is science able to actually measure the overall effect that art has on us?


The simple answer to that question is yes.


First and foremost, art is great at reducing our overall stress levels. A recent Westminster study showed that those who took part in it, which included a lunchtime visit to a local art gallery, experienced a reduction in their stress levels after visiting the gallery, and even spent an extra 35 minutes checking out the space in any way that they were able to.


The biggest catch, however, was that they only experienced a decrease in cortisol, or the main hormone that causes stress, if someone who already had high levels of the hormone already went into the gallery.


It's also been proven that the brain is essentially hardwired to process various forms of art. What that means is that portions of the brain that are associated with factors such as contemplation automatically become sparked whenever someone begins to view works of art. This is also the case even if they aren't spending any time thinking about art in a critical sense. The expectation is that the brain will recognize faces and process scenes more whenever someone looks at art. On the other hand, portions of the brain that are linked to different emotions will also show activity as well.


Perhaps the biggest benefits, however, come from actually producing art in some form, regardless of what it is. In this same study, there were two groups of retirees. One group was provided with lessons from an art educator and were tasked with creating pieces that essentially displayed their own personal artistic expression. The other group, meanwhile, was more of a discussion class, in which talks were held in regards to specific sculptures and paintings. Before and after each process, each group had their brains scanned, and out of each group, the one that created art was found to have had the best neural benefit as opposed to the other group.


Art can often easily be taken for granted a lot of times; however, it can also lead to all of us becoming much healthier and obtaining an increased amount of brain activity.


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

Five Great Mental Health Benefits Of Art

Five Great Mental Health Benefits Of Art

When it comes to art, there's no secret that it certainly has its share of misconceptions. Some people feel that in order to consider yourself a real artist, you have to create something such as a sculpture or painting, while others believe that you either are or are not born with talent. However, every one of us are born with the desire and ability to express ourselves, and art is a wonderful way to achieve this, especially in terms of our mental health.


Here are five of the best mental health benefits of art.


Art Relieves Stress

Drawing, sculpting, painting, etc. are great ways to lower your overall stress levels and make you feel much better mentally. Essentially, it provides a distraction that will give your brain a much-needed break from all of your usual ways of thinking. Perhaps one of the most popular artistic stress relievers, especially nowadays, is coloring books, many of which have been created specifically with stress relief in mind.


Art Helps To Encourage Creative Thinking

As opposed to math, art doesn't require any kind of a correct answer. Instead, you can come up with your own type of solution and further stimulate your brain with this type of creative thinking. This is especially the case since you will be able to use both hemispheres of your brain.


Art Helps To Boost Self-Esteem and Offer a Sense of Accomplishment

Similar to hanging a child's artwork somewhere can boost their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment, doing the same with your own artwork can create the same type of effect. Even better is the fact that you don't have to create something that looks absolutely perfect in order to obtain these feelings, and it doesn't even matter what type of art you create, whether its drawing, photography, or even knitting.


Art Encourages Brain Activity

Whenever you engage in any kind of a new activity, your brain begins working to create connections between all of your different brain cells. In terms of creating art, this helps to stimulate all sorts of connections between various portions of your brain itself.


Art Improves the Overall Quality of Life in Dementia Patients

Art has been shown to enhance factors such as memory and cognitive abilities, especially in those who suffer from serious mental disorders such as dementia. While it's been shown that different types of drug treatments generally don't work very well in these individuals, creating art provides a great sense of pleasure for them. This is because it has been shown to greatly improve their self-esteem and social behavior, as well as reduce various psychiatric symptoms associated with their disorder.


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!


Gallery 701 - Living For The City

Gallery 701 - Living For The City

Mark your calendar for the opening o four exciting summer show June 14th, 6-9pm. Inspired by Stevie Wonder's lyrics and changes in our urban landscape, we invited Austin artists to share their views on Living for the City.

New works by artists representing Art From The Streets and Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Arthouse at Community First Village

Additional featured Austin artists include Ethan Azarian, Valerie Chaussonnet, Sam Hurt, Noel Kalmus, David Lykes Keenan, George Krause, Heidi Pitre, SLOKE ONE and Rachel Wolfson Smith.

Performances by:
Interdisciplinary theatre artist Zell Miller III
Vocal performance by Timeca Seretti

Exhibition will continue through September 1st. 
Open: Wednesday 10-3 and by appointment: 
Many thanks to the ABE Charitable Foundation, Art For The People, and the Long Center staff.

art from the streets austin arists events


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

A Word from Executive Director Kelley Worden

A Word from Executive Director Kelley Worden

Each year at this time, while the flurry of the annual show is consuming us all, I sit for a moment and reflect on our year. I contemplate my time with the artists and volunteers in our program. I am constantly reminded why AFTS is such an important piece to our community here in Austin.  In our Open Studio we are all friends, colleagues, artist….…..people.  We share stories of life….the highs and the lows. We are so excited with the creation made in class each week, the education time in nearby galleries/museums and the community that reaches out to our program daily. I am consistently overwhelmed with the generosity!

We are all taking a deep breath and jumping into these next two weeks before the 24th Annual Show And Sale. Lots of work ahead of us…. pricing, tagging, mounting and most importantly supporting the artist in our program. They are nervous, anxious, excited and scared.  And so are we! We look forward to an amazing show this year and we hope you have made plans to attend and support AFTS but most importantly come and make a difference in your community. 

Thank you for your continued support!

Kelley Worden

Executive Director


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

Jeremiah Hurta ­- Pen & Ink

Jeremiah Hurta ­- Pen & Ink

AFTS has helped many different artists get back to doing what they love. Helping others is unlike any feeling I have ever experienced before. I asked my cousin to join me on the first day of spring break to help out at the AFTS studio. He was eager to come along and see firsthand what it's like to help people in need. We arrived early to the studio before any of the volunteers, and I taught him all the things he needed to know for the day. He pointed out Artist Jeremiah Hurta because he was showing the pen and ink bookmarks he had created to everyone in the studio.

Everyone was in awe at the beautiful work and I began to interview him. He told me, “A friend of mine gave me a bottle of ink.” He has been drawing ever since high school and now has over 30 years of experience. He would take his bottle of ink and drawing pad to the corner of Woodland and 35 and draw. Many of his pieces have been sold there and people still come to that corner and ask for more art. His art is so popular that even professional tattoo artists have ask to use his work. His son has a tattoo of one of his many cross pieces on his chest.

Jeremiah went through a pretty rough divorce that led him to be on the streets. Once I learned about the divorce, he then began to tell me about his son. A year after the divorce he found out that the child he thought was his turned out not to be. I was in shock and could understand why he was distressed. The divorce caused Jeremiah to suffer from, acute stress disorder and he received some counseling for it but “only after everything was done and out of the woodwork.” When he was homeless, he camped out on the hill by Riverside.


Jeremiah explained, “you usually had to cross an area that was swampy and would have to go all the way up to the end of the trail and that's where I camped out.” That all happened around 20 years ago, but he is now in a housing facility. He now lives with his “partner and she has her bedroom and I have my bedroom. I'll stay up until one or two in the morning doing nothing but pen and ink drawing and doing my artwork.”

Art From The Streets Austin artist jeremiah hurts


AFTS gave Jeremiah a place that was safe and quiet to do his work while he was staying at a camp. “This is my studio away from my studio. It’s great!” He has been asked by many different people, “how do you do it?” Not only is he outstanding at his pen and ink art, but he also does water painting and acrylic. When homeless people stand on the corner with signs, “people get tired of seeing those kinds of things because when they see that you have a talent, they love you more and they come back to you and say, ‘what are you drawing today?’ And I say, ‘what do you want me to draw today?’”

Art From The Streets Austin artist jeremiah hurts

Jeremiah is dedicated to his art and to the volunteers in his life. Every time I am at the studio, I see that he is talking to everyone about everything. The thing about Jeremiah is that he is full of knowledge and excitement. As he says, “It's the joy really of art and what it can do for you even when you are depressed and down.” 


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!