Donating to AFTS helps us offer free Open Studio for persons experiencing homelessness. Click here to DONATE TODAY!


Art From the Streets Presents the 2023 Give Art a Home Gala

Art From the Streets Presents the 2023 Give Art a Home Gala
Art From the Streets is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides support to artists experiencing homelessness in Texas’ capital city. One of many Austin nonprofits helping homeless members of the community, Art From the Streets (AFTS) has offered free, open studio time to transient and at-risk artists in the local community for the past three decades, in an effort to encourage them to rediscover their agency through art. AFTS uses art as a means to help these creatives take responsibility for their lives so they can make empowering choices.

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Art Events in Austin: OPEN CANOPY

Art Events in Austin: OPEN CANOPY
Artists enrich the human experience and make the world an interesting and beautiful place through their creative contributions. They play a huge part in connecting and inspiring people, and helping to bring about a shared understanding and appreciation of one another. If you want to experience art up close and personal, consider attending an art event in your community.

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The Art From the Streets PEOPLE’S SHOW

The Art From the Streets PEOPLE’S SHOW
Art From the Streets is excited to share that their first gallery show of 2023 on March 4 was a great success! This gallery show shines a light on the Art From the Streets (AFTS) organization by allowing the public to view original artworks created by members of the AFTS family, all of whom are transient or at risk of becoming homeless. Participants in the City of Austin’s LEAPS program curated this art show.

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Art for the Homeless in Austin

Art for the Homeless in Austin


Austin, Texas is a hub of creativity. The capital city of the Lone Star State, Austin is home to countless artists. Strictly speaking, though, some of the city’s finest artmakers don’t actually have homes to call their own. Enter Art From the Streets.

Art From the Streets uses art for change in the local community. Art From the Streets (AFTS) is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to local artists experiencing homelessness. The Austin organization offers transient artists support and a safe and nurturing environment where they can focus on art.

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How to Help Homeless Local Artists During the Holidays

How to Help Homeless Local Artists During the Holidays

Homelessness is a major crisis in America. People end up in homelessness due to a wide range of reasons, from alcohol or drug addiction to mental health circumstances, a lack of affordable housing to limited housing assistance, and unemployment to poverty in general. But while homelessness has increased significantly over the years in this country, there are people fighting back against it and trying to solve the problem. Here's How to Support Local Artists Against Holiday Homelessness.

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