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BLOG — Volunteering with Austin

The Backbone of Art From The Streets - Volunteer Series III

Volunteer Now
"I remember the first encounter I had with Jefferson Bright - a VERY talented and humble man. We connected through a discussion regarding the U.S. military - my own father is a Navy veteran who served during the Korean war. Jefferson shared with me that he had actually served in two different branches of the military - the Navy and the Army. I was saddened that someone who has given so much for our country was not being cared for better. He was such a gentle soul and certainly not angry about it, even though I was."

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“Through My Eyes” - Art Kits: Impacting Austin's Homeless & At-Risk One Paint Brush At A Time

Healing Arts

During these times of lock down, social distancing and increasingly less human connection, we are determined to bring our artists and others experiencing homelessness an opportunity for self-expression and creative relief to combat the increasing risk of depression and isolation. 

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