Donating to AFTS helps us offer free Open Studio for persons experiencing homelessness. Click here to DONATE TODAY!

BLOG — Volunteering with Austin

How to Give the Gift of Art This Holiday Season

How to Give the Gift of Art This Holiday Season
There is an art to giving gifts. Give something personal and thoughtful this year to your gift list. Gifting art can be intimidating so we’re here to guide you on how to make sure they’ll love it! Art is a great gift for family members, significant others, co-workers and mentors. It’s a timeless gift that will bring them happiness for years to come.

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Three ways you can support Austin homeless artists

Three ways you can support Austin homeless artists

Normally, people hearing about supporting the arts think all that means is they have to donate money to organizations that are both local and regional; however, there are other methods in which support can be shown, especially to artists who are homeless.

Here are three of them to make note of.

Donate Supplies

Whether they're your own that you no longer use or whether you choose to purchase new ones, take the time to donate supplies to the artists so that they can continue to create beautiful work. They will especially appreciate this in the event that some supplies they have are starting to get worn out.

Commission Pieces from Them

One common thing that homeless people need in order to survive is money. This means that by speaking to a homeless artist and commissioning one or more pieces from them, not only will you be able to obtain great artwork for your home, office, etc., but you'll also be able to provide the artists with financial assistance in return for their work, which will help them with such things as buying food, something to drink, etc.

Share the Artist's Work and Your Experience with Them on Social Media

Many people enjoy sharing all sorts of things on social media. You could consider sharing one or more pieces of artwork that you receive from a homeless artist. In turn, this could cause other people to seek out that same artists and commission pieces from them, which can then provide them with enough money to obtain some of the most basic necessities that they need. 

Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

How to help the homeless this summer

How to help the homeless this summer

During the summer, the outdoor temperatures will consistently rise, causing a great deal of discomfort at times. However, what does all of this mean for members of the homeless population? After all, they don't have access to some of the luxuries that we all have, such as air conditioning and cold water. As a result, this can cause them to become vulnerable to issues such as heat stroke, severe sunburns, and more.

Here are three different ways that you can provide assistance to the homeless population during the summer season.

Ask for Extra Help

Take the time to contact officials in your area of residence, who will be able to locate homeless people affected by the serious summer heat by transporting them to a local cooling center. These types of centers provide both cold water and a cool place for individuals to stay during the week whenever a heat alert is in effect.

Talk to Them

Don't be afraid to not only speak to a homeless person, but also provide them with bottles of water, as well as other necessities to help keep them safe and cool. These can include the following:


*Bug spray

*Moisturizing lotion

Be Familiar with Where Cooling Center Are

Knowing where the cooling centers in your area of residence are will help you guide a homeless person to a safe place to go in order to escape the summer heat. Utilize the internet and other similar services to become familiar with where these centers are located.

Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!

How to build a homeless care package

How to build a homeless care package

Regardless of the location in which you live, the chances are great that you'll come into contact with an individual who is a part of the homeless population. Oftentimes, you may feel like taking a couple of dollars out of your wallet to give to them; however, the more beneficial thing that you should consider is creating a care package for them that contains some of the most basic essentials. Of course, you will also want to ensure that you hand out these types of packages with a group accompanying you, such as from a church, rather than risking your own personal safety and going out to do this on your own.


Here are four different types of care packages that you can easily put together for the homeless.


Traveling Safely

In this particular type of care package, you can include items such as a pair of warm socks (which is incredible important for a homeless person to have when it's cold outside), travel lotion (which can help to ease pain caused by dry skin), and even chewable vitamins (which is good for a person's immune system).



This care package should include items like band-aids (to help cover up cuts while outdoors), travel deodorant (which can help take away any bad odors, such as underneath the arms), feminine hygiene products (a large percentage of the homeless population requires something like this, meaning that you will be doing someone an immense gratitude when including these types of items), sugar-free mints (which can be great for those who have dental issues), and beef jerky (which provides a large amount of protein).


Unable to Sleep at Night

In this type of care package, consider including items such as a toothbrush, travel tissues, snacks (such as Lunchables or raisins), and a headlamp (which is great for navigating through the dark or attempting to find something).


Bare Essentials

If you choose to create this type of care package, include items like baby wipes (which are a useful and easy way to keep clean), applesauce (which is wonderful for those who suffer from dental issues), bottled water, chap stick, and Advil.


What Not to Include in a Care Package

While the above-mentioned items are extremely useful, there are also some items that you should never put into a care package for the homeless.


These include the following:

*Previously-used items

*Crunchy foods (these can be bad for those who suffer from dental issues)

*Hand sanitizer and/or mouthwash (these products contain alcohol and can end up being abused by those with addictions)


Art From the Streets rely on generous donations of people like YOU! 
Purchasing artwork supports the artists directly. 
Donating to our program helps us to offer a free Open Studio 
for the homeless and at risk. THANK YOU!